A cross section of members of CEGMI Flaming Women on the occasion of Women’s Day
A cross section of members of CEGMI Flaming Women on the occasion of Women’s Day
Flaming Women is a movement whose main objective is to equip women spiritually as ambassadors to bring souls to Christ.
It was about the year 2011 that Prophetess Agatha had a revelation which she explains in her own words as follows;“There appeared a scene of a bottle containing gas, that was on serious fire. I picked up the bottle with heavy flames but nothing burnt me. I wondered why the fire could not burn me. Then wondering what to do with the bottle, a voice came very strong to me and at the same time there appeared a wild field with dry grass. The voice said throw this bottle on the field and spread the fire on women all over the world. Then I knew it was the Lord God Himself. I threw the bottle as instructed and the fire actually spread on that very big field.This made me tremble as I woke up from sleep. The Holy Ghost then gave me the name FLAMING WOMEN“.